Image Source: Alexander Schimmeck at
This project will analyze the relationship between US economic trends and related google searches. Others have analyzed the relationship between online searches and a range of phenomena, including: Covid Cases, meth-related crime, and US elections.
This project will analyze the following questions:
- Are google searches for the term unemployment related over time to US unemployment data?
- Are searches for the word gas or cheap gas related over time to changes in gas prices?
- Are searches for food stamps or related terms correlated with monthly data on food stamp usage?
- Are there online searches that correlate with the consumer confidence index?
- Are there certain times of year when people are more likely to search for economic topics?
- Are online searches for these topics leading or lagging indicators for formal economic data?
- What is the relationship between unemployment and food stamp usage? Has it changed over time? I would predict that unemployment data would lead food stamp data.
- To what extent is 2020 an anomaly in the relationship among google searches and economic indicators? Do previous relationships hold in 2020?
- How successful are forecasting methods on google trends data?
- Are some economic google trends stationary over time?